
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Iris EMR at whatuwhiwhi.

On Friday, 29th of March my class Te Kauru and Te Manga went snorkelling at Perehape Bay. We went snorkelling with Isabel, it was so cool because my group got to go first out of all the groups. When we got ready I had to have flippers, a wetsuit and a mask, then we got into our wetsuit and chose our flippers, put toothpaste in our goggles and we were off ready to go to the water. SPLASH! We were in. All of a sudden I couldn’t touch the bottom and I saw lots of seaweed. Then my buddy Manaia took a big breath and went straight down under us. Pop! up she came again, it was really funny because we all kept on bumping into each other when we came up from dolphin diving. Then all of a sudden Manaia was saying that she saw a parore, but I said you wouldn’t be able to see one here because they only live at Matai Bay. Then l saw for myself because she showed me the parore. We carried on a little bit then I saw lots of parore. Isabelle blew her whistle once and told us to try to find a golf ball sponge, golf ball sponges look like an orangey yellow sort of sponge with little tentacle-like arms which looks quite strange! AAAHHH!!! Something pinched me it was a floating crab but it really hurt, then the three whistle command went and then she just told us to look carefully to try to find some more different fish and some more golf ball sponges. I said I’ve seen one of the golf ball sponges it looks very strange, then we had to turn around and head back to shore. Fair enough though because my legs were aching.

By Iris Aschebrock.

thank you letter Isabel.

Dear Isabel, I really appreciate your time that you have spent with my class and Te manga. The time that you have spent with us really taught me something new. Thank you for also taking us snorkeling at Perehape bay. My highlight of the day was seeing a golf ball sponge and a poare. Golf ball sponges look really cool but very strange because they had little arms, I thought they would munch you UP Into pieces!! Thank you again for your time that you spent with us. The trip was awesome and I will always remember that trip.
 Yours sincerely,  Iris

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

My math buddy video

Lately my class has been learning to screencastify on math buddy my video is about 3 digit addition
I found that trying to take the videos was quite hard

Friday, May 17, 2019

qulity blog posts.

W.A.L.T to write quilaty blog posts.

Kia ora Karmi. I am Iris and I go to Paparore School.I am 9 years old and I am a year 5. I really like that you told us not to eat around chromebooks.
That rule is the same at my school what else are you not aloud to do around your chromebooks?

solving 17x4

W.A.L.T we are learning to solve 17x4.

The thing that was really challenging was trying to solve 17x4 but then I found out the answer.

MY ANZAC poster

W.A.L.T  we are learning to make ANZAC posters in class.

The thing that I found easy was thinking of some ideas.
The thing that was challenging was puting this on my blog.

ANZAc map

W.A.L.T make a ANZAC map of were the ANZACS fought in the war.      I found this task a little bit easy because we had to put arrows on the places they fought in!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

up skilling sentences


We are learning to write complex sentences using adverbs and verbs.

the girl jumpend into the feild.

Excitedly, the girl jumped into the swampy  sticky field until she got stuck.

I found that this was really easy to do and I am looking forward to writing some more of these. The thing that I found hard was trying to think of some ideas to put down.