
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

MY NEW KITTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I got  a new kitten called daisy.

She is a grey tabby colour and she has little brownish green eyes.

She is super duper tiny and extremely cute. Here are some pictures of her…

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Explanation writing

W.A.L.T. write explanation writing.

 Explanation writing - Good Friends

Main idea- (intro) what does friendship mean? If I think about it friendship means all the things I like about a person. 

Things like…  being funny, being helpful and caring.

A good friend shows the quality of humor. Friends can make friends laugh. For example sometimes when I’m sad a friend can cheer me up by making me laugh with the funny jokes they tell. 

Another good thing friends do is they are helpful. When you're stuck friends help me to solve the problem.

Last but not least good friends are caring. When I fall off my bike a friend will show they care by helping me if I am hurt.

A friend who is funny, helpful and caring shows some of the qualities of a good friend.

Friday, September 4, 2020

My fathers day card

 Today I went to another class to create my own fathers day card. On fathers day is my birthday so I can have my birthday and its also fathers day. Here is a picture of my card.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Our new members to the family

 Yesterday my Mum went out to Totra North and got 4 little baby chicks. They are only 6 weeks old and are brown they are super fluffy and soft. This morning my Mum and I took them outside and put them in the chicken cage. We already had 2 hens and one rooster but they  would atack the babys, so we took them out of the cage and put the little babys in. The big chickens are just roming around in our garden. 

Here are some pictures of them.

Friday, August 14, 2020

My Speech

 W.A.L.T  We are learning to write a persuasive piece for a speech.

On Wednesday 8 students from my class presented there speech to our class and Te Manga and Te Puawai.  My speech was about my experiences in covid- 19 lockdown. 

Friday, July 31, 2020

Sir peterblake award.

W.A.L.T be a leader in all things.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Tree felling outside our school

W.A.L.T  Learn what other peoples jobs are in our comunity.

Yesterday my class went and stode by the fence at our school and watched some men cutting big pine trees. Once they have felled all the bad trees they will be planting some navtive forest and our school might be aloud to help plant. I feel happy that they are doing this becuase then lots of birds and creatures can come and live there.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Mad Hatter sentence challenge

The Mad Hatter. Sentence Challenge

Can you make a list of things the Mad Hatter might be thinking?

What might the Mad Hatter be thinking?

  • He might be thinking about how he is going to set up his tea party.
  • He might be thinking how lucky he is to have friends.
  • He might be thinking about what he is going to do on his birthday.
  • He might be thinking about cake and some tea.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Mad Hatter story starter

Story Starter

He was a most peculiar looking chap…..

Can you write a character description of the Mad Hatter?

He was a most peculiar looking chap…

The Mad Hatter is a crazy guy because he puts so much make-up on and he even has two different coloured eyes!!!  His hair is like a frizz ball that when you touch it, it all of a sudden puffs out.  It smells like carrots and  tastes like  fanta!  His face is so white, it looks like he dipped it in a bowl of flour. The Mad Hatter’s eyebrows are made from rotten dried slugs.  He rubbed dark red cherries on his lips.  

The Mad Hatter is like a roller coaster of different emotains he goes from happy to sad to angry to excited! It is so crazy!

The mysterious forest

Sunday, May 17, 2020

What is was like sleeping in the playhouse

Yesterday my brother and I slept in the playhouse in the playground! On Friday we bought the supplies and got them all ready. “YAY!”  I shouted out loud.  It was the day that we could sleep in the tree hut.  We gathered our things and started to bring them all over to the hut. This is what we needed (We already had some of the things on the list): 

  1. Two person tent
  2. Lights x 3
  3. Water bottle
  4. Sleeping bags x 2 
  5. Fluffy blankets x 2
  6. Double sized blow up mattress
  7. Pillows x 2
  8. My iPad
  9. My teddies
    10.  Lollies
We put all the things on the list in the tree house.  The first thing we had to put in was the tent.  It was not hard to do because the week before we actually tried putting the tent in, so that we knew it would fit.  After that, we blew up the air mattress.  I put in the bedding so that when were ready to sleep in it, it would be nice and warm. The third thing we did was put our pillows and teddies on the bed.  Next were my iPad and the lights. After we had dinner, we got into our pjs, brushed our teeth and walked over to the tree hut. When we got over there, my mum took some photos and then she and Dad went back to the house.  My brother and I were left alone in the tent. We got there at around 8.45pm.  The first thing Dom and I did was get into the blankets and turn my iPad on.  We were playing games on it and watching some videos (by the way there was no internet so we were not watching YouTube).  We ate some lollies and kept on watching videos and playing games.  By 10.00 pm we got too tired so we went to sleep.  We both woke up at 2.00 am because we were super cold, but we figured out why.  We swapped sleeping bags and I took the fluffy blanket.  We got straight back to sleep again and we woke up at 7.50 am and stayed in there till 8.30 am.  Then we both wanted to go outside and say good morning to our parents. “Good morning Mum and Dad”, we said.  “How are you this morning?”  They said, “Good”, and then we had a little bit of a chat about what it was like in the tree hut. Then it was time for breakfast and later on we packed up. So that was what our experience.  We had so much fun and we are definitely going to do it again! 

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

                               The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

There was once a girl called Dorothy. She lived with her dog called Toto, her Aunt Em, and Uncle Henry.  One day there was a massive cyclone.  It was such a huge storm that it picked up Dorothy and Toto in the house and flew them through the clouds and then the house crashed to the ground squashing  a wicked witch. It had killed  the witch and her feet were sticking out from under the house. Dorothy was scared because she didn’t know where she was, and didn’t know how to get back home to Kansas.  In the book she tries to find her way back home, has adventures, and meets some special friends along the way. She meets a scarecrow who wants to get a brain, a tin woodman who wants to get a heart and a lion who wants to get courage. They help each other on the way to the Emerald City. 

I would highly recommend this book if you like fantasy. It is also a nice book about friendship.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

10 interesting animals that you probably didn't know existed, by Kara and Iris

1.Patagonian Mara
Here are some fun facts about the Patagonian Mara. The Patagonian Mara is the world's third largest rodent only to capybara and beaver. Maras are capable of moving around by various ways: they can gallop, walk, hop like rabbits. Their front legs are shorter than the hind legs. They are known to bounce on all of their 4 legs, making a movement called 'stotting'. This is how you say it  Pat-a-go-ne-in  ma-ra. Here is a picture of it

2.The panda ant
On the female panda ant is a dagger strong tube she uses to drill wood and causes such a powerful sting that several can knock over a large animal. The females are nick-named cow killers and they can kill their enemies with their powerful sting. They are black and white like a panda and very sweet looking but really they're not!!! Here is a picture of it.

3.Glaucus Atlanticus
Here are some fun facts about blue glaucuses
Blue glaucus can grow up to 1.2 inches (3 cm) long.
Blue glaucus eat large, venomous prey, such as the Portuguese man o' war and the blue button jelly, and store their prey's stinging cells in their bodies to later use against predators.
Glaucus Atlanticus live in warm temperature climates in the southern Pacific
How to pronouce it Glaw-kuss at-lan-tee-kuss. Here is a picture of it.

4.Mantis shrimp
Here are some fun facts about the mantis shrimp
The eyes of mantis shrimp are located on the long stalks that can move independently.
They have exceptional eyesight that is used for the detection of the prey and predators
Mantis shrimps have the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom.  They can see ultraviolet and polarised light. Here is a picture of it.
Does a mantis shrimp swing its claw so fast it boils the water ...
5.Blue parrotfish
Here are some fun facts about the blue parrotfish
The blue parrotfish likes eating algae and coral.
It can live up to 7 years of age. Here is a picture of it.
Smiling Blue Parrot Fish NoteCard Underwater Photography | Etsy
 6. Irrawaddy dolphin
Here are some fun facts about the Irrawaddy dolphin
The Irrawaddy dolphin is a marine mammal which means it's warm-blooded, gives birth, produces milk (to feed its children) and breathes air.
The Irrawaddy dolphin gets its name from the river that it is found swimming in, “the Irrawaddy river”.
How to pronounce Irrawaddy dolphin I-rra-wa-dy doll-fin. Here is a picture.
Irrawaddy Dolphin - Lessons - Tes Teach
7. Star faced mole
The star faced mole has 22 tentecals.
They have 25,000 sencers in their tenteclas.
It eats small insects, fish, worms and other things too.
this is a pic of the star faced mole. Here is a picture.
Star-Nosed Mole
8. Dumbo octopus
Fun facts about the Dumbo octopus
They can change into diffrent colors
They get their name from their “ears”
The females can lay their eggs anytime they want
They do not produce ink. Here is a picture of the dumbo octopus.
Grimpoteuthis, The Dumbo Octopus | Smithsonian Ocean
9. Lamprey
The lamprey is a little fish that is an eel shape and is super slimy.
They are jawless but can still eat fish like Lake trout, Salmon, Rainbow trout and many more.
Just like other fish, sea lamprey breathes using the gills. It has seven gill openings that are located behind the eyes. Here is a picture of it.

Blood suckers | New Zealand Geographic
10. Flying squid
They are at least 50 cm long.
They can fly for about 30 metres at a time.
They mainly eat small fish but also eat small squid
They only live for a little over a year, Just enough time to grow into adults and breed. That is a picture of the flying squid.

5 Interesting Facts About Japanese Flying Squid | Hayden's Animal ...

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The rainy day

Last Sunday, it was a rainy day.  My brother and I were sitting inside, thinking of what to do.   Then my brother said, “I know what we can do!  We can go and play on the tramp in the rain”.   I said, “ Oh yeah, that would be so much fun”.  So we hopped into our togs and headed to the tramp. It was super duper slippery!  After 15 minutes on the trampoline, I was freezing!  It was time to heat up in the outside bath.  When we took the cover off… ARGH!!! THERE IS A COCKROACH!!!   We swished some water around the bath and then filled it up with hot water and lots of bubbles.  We sat in the bath while it was filling up, with the water getting higher and higher.  The rain was going pitter patter on the wooden platform.  It was so nice to sit in the warm water and have the cold drops of rain falling from the sky.  That was my favourite part.  We put some bright pink, candy-scented bath jelly in the water.  It was so jiggly and slippery.  We had fun playing hairdressers and laughing together.  My fingers and toes went wrinkly like an 80 year old!  By then it was time to go back inside and get out of our togs and into some clothes.   

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Friday, May 1, 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The sleepout

When the lockdown is over, my brother, Dom and I are going to make the playhouse in the playground into a sleepout that you can sleep in. The first thing we will need to do is put carpet into it, then put a tent inside it (which was my brother's idea).  We will put up two tents - one underneath the playhouse and one inside it.  The one at the top will be for sleeping in and the other one will be for supplies (like food!). After that, we will organise some lights and put them in the tent.  Normally, for a tent, you have to put pegs in the ground.  Instead, we are going to tie ropes to the corner posts. The next thing we will get is a double sized blow up mattress.  Then Dom and I will put some blankets in it because it will be cold at night, especially since it is in the bush a little bit.  Next, we will need an air pump, because to pump up the mattress you will need air.  Dom has made a little mini-cooker so we are going to roast some marshmallows and cook some sausages.  The second-to-last thing will be a chilly bin for the water, and last but not least - my camera.  I’m super excited!  I can’t wait!!!

Friday, April 24, 2020

My cat Henry

I have a pet cat called Henry.  He is two years old and is ginger.  Henry loves to play, sleep and definitely loves eating. He weighs 3.2 kgs.  Henry is a funny cat because he doesn't like to get cuddled!  The only time he will let you pat him is when he is either sleepy or when you are feeding him.  Henry loves to lay in the sun on the gravel driveway.  He likes to spend time hanging out with the chickens.  Sometimes Henry lets me wrap him up in a blanket like a baby. We like calling him different names.
I wish we had two more cats.  I also wish cats could talk.  I wonder what Henry would say?

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Why I love where I live

I love my house because it is right by the beach and we have an amazing garden.  What I love about the garden is that we have our own playground we can play in. It has swings, a trampoline, a skate ramp that my dad made, and a really fun slide. I love doing front flips on the tramp, and when it is wet my brother and I put soap on it so that it is slippery and it's like a water slide but on a trampoline.  Another thing that I love about my house it that we have two hammocks on the deck that are super comfortable. We also have an outside bath in the garden.  Down the back of our property we have a motorbike track that we can ride our dirtbikes on.  It has some jumps that are fun to go over.  We grow fruit and vegetables in our garden like guavas, blackberries, blueberries, lemons, ice cream beans, bananas, lettuce, radish, kale, lemon balm, kumara and many other delicious things.  My mum always tries to get me to help in the garden, but I only like to plant seeds in the vege garden.  Radishes are my favourite, as well as peas.  I like eating chives and spring onion tops straight from the garden.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The homemade go cart

During the lockdown my brother and my dad made a wooden push cart. It's a tandem cart which means that it has two seats - one for Dominic and one for me. To get going, you have to have someone to push you.  It is still fun even though it doesn’t have a motor. When you go down a hill it picks up speed.  My brother and I have tested it out on lots of different hills. I have had three crashes on it but I was ok. I just got a little bit scratched on my leg.  We also got towed around the orchard by the quad bike.  It was soooo bumpy that I just about fell out! I helped paint it.  We painted it with a pretty blue colour and we put a piece of wood on the front to make it look like a turbo.  It has flames painted on it. It’s heaps of fun!

My favourite pancake recipe.

You will need:

  1. Mixing bowl
  2. 10 tablespoons of flour
  3.  2 eggs
  4. 1 cup of milk
  5. Pinch of salt
  6. Frying pan
  7. Butter
  8. Spatula

The method:

First you will need to have a mixing bowl.  Put 10 tablespoons of flour into
your bowl.  After that, grab your two eggs and crack them into your mixture.
  Make sure you don’t get the shell in too! Add your milk and mix until there
are no lumps.  Next, you will want to add your baking powder and salt. 
After that, you will want to get your frying pan and turn on the element
so that the pan gets hot.  When it's hot, put a little bit of butter into your
pan and if it sizzles then you know you can start pouring your mixture in. 
Wait till you see bubbles appear and then flip them over so that they cook
on the other side.  When they are golden on both sides, they are done.
TA DA!  Enjoy eating them up!  

I love eating pancakes with maple syrup, yoghurt, nutella, cream, lemon juice,
cinnamon and brown sugar.  But not all those toppings at once! 

Just remember to do the dishes afterwards!!!

Monday, April 20, 2020

What a typical day at home looks like.

During the global pandemic, people have to stay home apart from
the essential workers. So today I am going to be writing about what
a typical looks like for me.

1. I wake up at around 6.40AM
2.  go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and wash my face.
3.get dressed.
4. have breakfast.
5. Watch a little bit of youtube.
6. Then sometimes have group chats on google hangouts.
7. Then I will start doing some school work.
8.sometimes I make a little snack and play on the push kart. 
9. Schoolwork.
10. Have lunch.
11. Play. 
12. Have an afternoon snack.
13. Play some more. 
14. Have dinner.
15. watch some tv.
16. Read a book for 15 minutes.
17. Take a shower, brush my teeth and comb my hair.
18. Then I will go to bed at around 9.00PM.