
Friday, April 24, 2020

My cat Henry

I have a pet cat called Henry.  He is two years old and is ginger.  Henry loves to play, sleep and definitely loves eating. He weighs 3.2 kgs.  Henry is a funny cat because he doesn't like to get cuddled!  The only time he will let you pat him is when he is either sleepy or when you are feeding him.  Henry loves to lay in the sun on the gravel driveway.  He likes to spend time hanging out with the chickens.  Sometimes Henry lets me wrap him up in a blanket like a baby. We like calling him different names.
I wish we had two more cats.  I also wish cats could talk.  I wonder what Henry would say?


  1. I wish Henry could talk too! Knowing him, he would probably just be asking for more food!
    It is so cute when you wrap him up in a blanket like a baby. I don't think he would let anyone else do that to him. You are definitely his special friend.

  2. Hi Iris, Henry looks like one spoilt cat. Henry is quite big for 2 years old. I don't think he will want to share you with another cat. I have 3 tabby cats a Mother and her two kittens. One is quite friendly the other is scared.
    I'm glad you have Henry to share your time with.
    Na Mrs Stevenson


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